Saturday, March 16, 2013


My latest video was shot in Bíldudalur last summer by Monika Fricova. 
The man with the scythe represents the death itself where he works his way through life by cutting the path towards the end. Time is one dimensional and unconditional.
The song represents the wish for one more day, time or breath to prolong the inevitable.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Bildalian Chronicles
The full version of the Bildalian Chronicles will be published May 1 2013
It will be a printed version and an eBook, both largely illustrated with pictures and drawings.
At the same time the official web of Bildalia will be opened. Full of knowlidge, photos, videoes, drawings, games and other material.
Come and join the Bildalian adventure - It has begun.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Steampunk theme

I've been modifying my old computer and designing furniture along with editing Bildalian chronicles which will be published next spring.
It's all about creating atmosphere and image according to the steampunk theme I'm trying to apply to my work.  My music, writing and design.

Here are some pictures of the iMac and my keyboard along with my fan.